Busting Bamboo Toothbrush Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

Busting Bamboo Toothbrush Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

  • Virtue Brush

In the world of eco-conscious oral care, bamboo toothbrushes have emerged as a popular choice for those seeking sustainable alternatives to plastic. However, amidst the buzz surrounding bamboo toothbrushes, several myths and misconceptions have taken root. In this blog post, we'll debunk some common myths about bamboo toothbrushes, providing evidence-based information to set the record straight and reassure readers about the benefits of making the switch. Myth #1: Bamboo Toothbrushes...

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The Eco-Friendly Choice: Why Bamboo Toothbrushes Are Better for the Environment

The Eco-Friendly Choice: Why Bamboo Toothbrushes Are Better for the Environment

  • Virtue Brush
the choice between plastic and bamboo toothbrushes extends far beyond oral hygiene—it's a decision that impacts the health of our planet. With their biodegradability, sustainable sourcing, and ability to reduce plastic waste, bamboo toothbrushes emerge as the clear winner for environmentally conscious consumers.

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Bamboo Toothbrushes Best Option for Planet - Trinity College Dublin

Bamboo Toothbrushes Best Option for Planet - Trinity College Dublin

  • Virtue Brush
The bamboo toothbrush had the lowest impact in all categories. The climate change potential of the electric toothbrush was 11 times greater than the bamboo toothbrush.

The bamboo toothbrush used just 11 g of plastic over the five years, the lowest of all products (97% less plastic than the plastic manual toothbrush).
Fertilisers are used in less than 5% of industrial bamboo plantations as the fallen bamboo leaves provide sufficient nutrients for new shoots.

Bamboo cultivation is currently assumed to be carbon-neutral, as bamboo ecosystems are carbon sinks.

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The Story of Plastic: How Plastic has Changed the World, and Where to Go from Here

The Story of Plastic: How Plastic has Changed the World, and Where to Go from Here

  • Virtue Brush

Did you know that plastic was initially invented as a way to save the environment? 

We hear so much about plastic these days.

Single-use-plastic, microplastic, bioplastic, plastic bottles, plastic planet. It seems that plastic has taken over our oceans, our landfills, and our newsfeeds.

But what actually is it? Where did it come from? And why did we actually create it in the first place?

In this, the story of plastic, we take a journey all the way from plastic's initial creation to the plastic crisis we find ourselves in today. We then look forward, and offer potential solutions for a future without plastic. 

Read on to find out more. 

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